galkangu (we build, make)
Land Management
We develop Djaara places
Our Land Management team does ‘end to end’ place based design & construction projects. These include JMP (Joint Management Plan) projects, VGO (Victorian Great Outdoors) projects and standalone projects (such as Goldfields Track). They are often multi-disciplinary projects that draw on DJAARA member input and other DJANDAK departments to provide specialist skills, knowledge and experience.
We do major construction of mayim-mayim (DJAARA shelters) and amenity blocks, as well as, minor construction projects (fencing, stone walls, park furniture, signage) and work in collaboration with our Djaara Design Centred team. We also deliver a range of civil works that major projects may require such as concreting, brickwork, carparks, roadworks. We will engage sub-contractors if needed to ensure complex large projects get the best possible outcomes.
We work together with Dja Dja Wurrung members, DJAARA, local and state government agencies to embed Djaara values and knowledge into complex place-based projects.
Working together in partnership expresses Culture on Country.
The Land Management team renews, reimagines and provides upgrades to sites across Central Victoria, including ‘Recreation, Cultural Practice, and Customs areas’ as defined by the Joint Management Plan. The Galkangu (Joint Management Plan team) works together with DJAARA, Dja Dja Wurrung members and Parks Victoria to understand Djaara members vision for these Djaara places, and then implement culturally aware design design solutions for Djandak. We engage Djaara members through the meaningful, respectful process of a Wartaka (meet with purpose) advisory group.
Our vision is for Djaara to see their culture, values and aspirations expressed all around them when they walk on Country.
There are six sites with Djaara title managed in partnership with Parks Victoria. These are:
- Greater Bendigo National Park
- Paddy’s Ranges State Park
- Hepburn Ranges National Park
- Kara Kara National Park
- Kooyoora State Park
- Wehla Nature Conservation Reserve

- Lalgambuk (Mt Franklin) Redevelopment
- VGO (Victorian Great Outdoors) projects
- Goldfields Track
- Walmer Recreation Reserve
- Larni Garingilang (Bendigo Botanic Gardens Visitor Hub)
- La Larr Ba Gauwa Campground Redevelopment, Harcourt
- Upper Coliban Reservoir
DJANDAK will make sure that large complex projects are designed with significant cultural input from Traditional Owners, using best practice construction standards for environment, quality and safety. These shared spaces benefit the whole community and help welcome visitors to Djandak (Dja Dja Wurrung Country)